Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Truths

There's been a few new things happening in the Woodward household in the past month or so:

1 - Christmas tree is up, all the presents are purchased, wrapped & under the tree. I love this time of year. The smells, the lights, the parties. so much fun. I'm so thankful. Plus it's fun that Kenyon's home (for good) to celebrate with us. I love my family.

2 - Derek & I have decided not to start trying for a baby for a few more years. We're currently planning a Europe trip within the next 1-2 years (we have to save up). THEN we'll start trying. I just really want to go to Italy before we have a baby keeping us home, and it'd be nice if i could guarentee that i can be a stay at home mama by the time we have a baby. I THINK we could make that happen, but i want to be sure. I admire moms soooo much that go to work (plus school usually) and be a mom, but if we're able to have me stay home, its worth the wait for us.

3 - I've lost 32 pounds! I've been using pure essential oils from a company called DoTerra, and they honestly work. I had given up hope on ever losing my weight i've accumulated over the past 5 years, (eating out, eating one meal a day, never excersizing) but it's honestly working! I use the "slim & sassy" oils every day (its a blend of grapefruit, peppermint & oregeno oils) and the "GX Assist cleanse" about once a month to help with cravings.
My ULTIMATE goal is to be where I was in high school when i was dancing regularly, and I'm 1/3 of the way there. I have a lot I'd still like to lose, but it's amazing knowing I'm getting there.

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